The stencils on the wall advertising

Shabloone are typically used where the stickers are not appropriate to use the and where the stickers should not be so well received.

For example, for yachts and ships instead of stickers to be make more sense to put the color shablooniga.

The stencils on the wall.

It is also shabloone makes sense to use in such places and in such surfaces, where the need is very immortality to the long-term.

Stickers for maximum endurance time is usually 7-8 years, and most of the long-term hardiness is usually autokleebised.

The same may be on the wall, the image of the, the logo or advertising to be useful to more than 10 years.:

In this case, should this pattern, seinamaalingu or shablooniga to do the logo and the color corresponding to that solid substrate is suitable and which covers a well geared to.

An example of the work carried out in the:

The architect of the building to the wished to use dekoratsioonina along the wall to the current yellow bar, on top of which would be the people in the images. The same is not supposed to be the basis for a flexible and maintain over time
your form – the disc does not have to succumb to the curved, and obtained over time, or become brittle, Let it rust. Therefore, the alusmaterjalina was used in the aluminum – komposiitplaati – in the middle of the plastic and the top layer is yellow
painted aluminum – by the manufacturer of the yellow painted plate.

To maintain the longer images , then it was transferred onto the shablooniga and the black aerosooliga painted images.

The attached samples are being used in the Elva Peremajadel, which is supported by the European Union

Stencils on the wall

Photo: Sille Annuk, The Mailman

Stencils on the wall